Manufacturer of PEX pre-insulated pipelines
SYNCOPEX® is an ecological system of pre-insulated pipelines manufactured according to our own patents. Our many years of experience on the market and knowledge of the heating industry mean that our products are distinguished by innovation and high quality of workmanship, and our service – by an individual approach to each project. The expanded range of products includes not only central heating pipes, but also those for cold water, technological networks and various solutions for installation in homes, industrial buildings and other investments. Synco PEX flexible pre-insulated pipelines have been used at over 2,000 facilities in Europe and abroad.
We have been on the market for over 30 years and we are experienced in pipes.
Pre-insulated PEX piping – what are the benefits of choosing our products?
Compared to their regular, previously used counterparts, our products are made to be both extremely effective and discreet. The pre-insulated PEX tubing and piping possesses a clear advantage over the technology used widely in the core structures of various houses and industrial buildings – that is its relatively low weight and outstanding flexibility coupled with an easy and quick implementation. After the installation these revolutionary solutions do not disappoint either, as they can be used for the application of transferring cold and hot water, as well as being a part of the thermal pipe systems.
The most prominent feature of our technologically advanced tubes is definitely the much needed reduction of heat loss (compared with your average metal and wool insulation). This does not only provide the building with more efficient thermal control but is an essential part of cutting down on your monthly payments, as it enables you to use less fuel in order to keep the steady temperature inside your house or a workplace.
As an experienced pipeline manufacturer, we encourage you to explore our site further if you seek more information about the solutions we provide. We offer a pre-insulated PEX tube system for every possible building structure core, as well as design and manufacture customizable ones for rare and unique purposes. Be sure to browse through our extensive catalog of SYNCOPEX® approved products and contact us if the need arises.
Our offer

PEX pre-insulated pipelines
PEX cross-linked polyethylene pipes with insulation and outer jacket provide a comprehensive solution with high durability, service life and excellent thermal insulation properties.

Hela connectors
Top-quality brass fittings, resistant to dezincification, used to connect water supply, industrial and heating networks. The modular design of the coupling enables any configuration in the full range of diameters.

Accessories for pipelines
Accessories will provide a wide range of possibilities in constructing water networks and installations. They are used to protect and seal penetrations through wall partitions, connections and to protect the pipeline ends against moisture.
As shown in the previous practice, the design of transmission networks of central heating and hot service water it is assumed that diameters of pipelines should be selected taking into account the demand for thermal energy and hot water, as well as, flow resistance, without analyzing an important operational factor that is the thermal efficiency of pipelines.
In the view of constant increase in prices of thermal energy and hot water production, the basic function limiting the expenses of users should be the design of economical transmission networks with the lowest heat losses on the transsmision avoiding excessive energy transfer into the ground in which the pipelines are located.
Considering the above-mentioned circumstances, SYNCO has developed and produced for several years the combined pipeline system comprising four transmission pipes in one thermo-insulating casing, creating eight assortments, starting from a set of 2 x 1” + ¾” + ½” / 6,9” to 2 x 2 ½” + 1 ¼” + 1” / 12,4”
SYNCOPEX pipes are laid in shallow excavations with the possibility of immediate backfilling of laid sections without the need for leakage tests. Great flexibility of pipelines allows to avoid obstacles in the ground without the use of knees and arches, and its free development. SYNCOPEX is a self-compensating system for linear elongation, so there is no need to use fixed points and compensators.
Lepsze właściwości termoizolacyjne
Jak wykazuje dotychczasowa praktyka, w pracach projektowych sieci przesyłowych c.o. i c.w.u przyjmuje się założenie doboru średnic rurociągów, uwzględniając zapotrzebowanie na energię cieplną i ciepłą wodę oraz opory przepływu, nie analizując ważnego czynnika eksploatacyjnego, jakim jest skuteczność termiczna rurociągów. Wobec stałego wzrostu cen produkcji energii cieplnej i ciepłej wody, zasadniczą funkcją ograniczającą koszty użytkowników powinno stanowić projektowanie ekonomicznych sieci przesyłowych o najmniejszych stratach ciepła na przesyle, unikając nadmiernego przekazywania energii w grunt, w którym posadowione są rurociągi. SYNCOPEX to rozwiązanie, które wychodzi naprzeciw tym problemom - zespolone systemy rurociągowe pozwalają na uzyskanie lepszych właściwości termoizolacyjnych.
We offer pipes for

Low parameter heating networks
203°F – 6 bars
The strength of value that connects generations
SYNCO is a Polish family company specializing in the production of pre-insulated pipelines based on PEX, PE and copper pipes, operating on the market for over 30 years. SYNCO hides not only high-quality materials or innovative ideas. It is primarily a family enterprise with an interesting history and a unique approach to employees.
Fascinated by creating innovative solutions in 1992, SYNCO was the first company in Poland to introduce PEX pre-insulated pipes to the domestic market and was the general distributor of the foreign ECOFLEX pipe system manufactured by the Uponor concern.
In 1999, SYNCO launched the production of flexible pre-insulated pipelines with a PEX carrier pipe based on its own patent, which have been used at over 2,000 facilities in the country and abroad.